Thursday, November 18, 2010

Song Review: Red Hot Chili Peppers-Californication


    When listening to Californication, there is one main focus of imagery. You see the California lifestyle, people trying to fit in, getting liposuction, plastic surgery etc. When listening and focusing to the lyrics, alot of the imagery is used. You can see this when they sing "Dream of silver screen quotations" and "Pay your surgeon very well to break the signs of aging, Celebrity skin is this your chin or is it war your waging". When I heard "Born and raised by those who praise control of population, Well, everybody's been theren and I don't mean on vacation", I saw the greedy corporate leaders and producers that would naturally be stereotyped. I feel the mian image they are trying to show everyone nin California is trying to be too perfect and that's taking over their lives, hence Californication ( which actually means "the negative effects of media and culture originating from California).

Layers and Instruments

    The song starts with a repitive bass and guitar line. Around 10s in the drums kick in and back up the guitar and bass. Vocals start at 20s in. Rythm guitar comes in and helps compliment the end of each guitar line. You can hear a lead guitar come in 1 minute into the song then fades underneath the chorus voals and guitar at 1:10. This pattern seems to continue throughout the entire song. One additional thing to the vocals are the "oooohs" you can hear coming in before the chorus some what in the background.

Response/Target Audience

   I feel Red Hot Chilim Peppers were trying to target more of an adult audience. I feel it's almost a rebellion against the califronia lifestyle.The only ones who would actual respond would be the ones who don't get caught up in the mainstream media, and teens woulsd picture people the age of the band (40s-50s). Now this could also get a response to young teens who haven't turned to brands names, mainstream music, trends, etc. It may also target those who have went through 'Californication' and have failed fitting in with it, so this song would join these groups of people together to avoid/ boycott the California lifestyle.

Time Period's Relation to Song

   The song was released in 2000. This is the start of the new millenium. Almost then revolution of music and movies occur during this time, and the song would almost fit the time. Well as we know from the song and title it tries to rebel against the mainstream (I know, it's repitive), and that's why the time could influence the song itself.

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