Friday, November 19, 2010

Interview With A Rockstar: Brandon Grail

Mike Magazine : "Wow what did you do to your guitar or is it suppose to look like that?"

Brandon Grail: "Well Mike, I was on stage, rocking out like usual, and smashed it right of the stage" [sarcastically]

M.M.: "Haha well that is truly believable. So getting started when did you start playing guitar?"

Grail: "Hmmm. I was 10 when I started taking lessons. Then I took a break for a while."

M.M.: "That's right, you did stop playing guitar.. for a good 2 years. What was going on at the time you started playing? What made you say "ok I want to play guitar"."

Grail: "When I was in grade 3(?).. my dad bought an old guitar. I thought it was really cool. From there I wanted to learn how to play guitar."

M.M: "So we all know that Slash is/was your biggest inspiration, is there any reason why that is?"

Grail: "Because... he's crazy. He, himself was influenced by great guitarist and he blends their style all into one. You can feel and hear that when he plays."

M.M: "So we all know you love classic rock, what do you think about modern music? You know pop, hip-hop, rap..."

Grail: "I don't like it, it sucks balls. You don't get that feel of real players and music. It's all computorized and everything has to be perfect."

M.M: "Do you think rock/classic rock is dead?"

Grail: "I want to give a big R.I.P. to classic rock. Modern pop/rap crap has taken over the face of music."

M.M: "So do you think you are going to be the one to bring it back?"

Grail: "I would take rock and the power of my guitar and kill all those pop stars like Justion Bieber, probably give him a concussion and that would be the rebirth of rock."

M.M: "Would there be any competition, seeing as the favoured music music of the time is pop?"

Grail: 'Yes there would be an all out war between rock and pop. A Vietnam of music. Sure there will be some hate against rock, but I'm here to change their minds."

M.M: "Do you think you will join a band anytime soon, or just stay a solo artist?"

Grail: "No, i don't plan on it anytime soon. personally I couldn't think of any people who would want to start a moder/glam rock band. At the moment I'm fine playing solo."

M.M: "Wrapping up, this interview is there any message you want to give to our readers?"

Grail: "Yes, Rock the f*ck on! You can have your pop for now, but just be ready for rock to unleash hell!"

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