Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good Movie Poster- 300

    So personally I feel this movie poster for 300 is really well done. As we discussed in class a well done poster should target the right age group. After watching 300 I would know for a fact that the movie itself would target a more young audiene (16-30s?). Looking at this posters it matches with the movies. I feel if an elderly person were to look at it they would be disgusted by the fact before they even see the movie they know there will be blood in it (from how the number 300 is shown on the poster). I don't think however it stir up too much curiosity, the only question I would ask is "Why are soldier getting kicked off a cliff?". The movie would give a feeling to that younger audience because of the action that is taking place on the poster. It may even make the feel a sence of an epic battle taking place between the Spartans and the Persians. The poster does give an accurate portrayal of the movie. It actually shows one of the most memorable parts where the SPartans force the soldiers off the cliff. On top of that it also represents the action that takes place during the entire movie. I feel this poster would attract an audience especially the one I mentioned (the 16-30 area) but not so much the older generation. On Top of this it shows the Studio name, rating, release date, that mini tagline "prepare for glory". One thing however that it does not include was the star names in the movie. I think this was a "hookup" movie for Gerard Butler, where this would help him expand his popularity. As we saw in the Pirates of  the Caribbean, Johnny Depp had already been in so many movies as it was. If it was to show off a good star name at all, it was replaced by "from the creators of Sin City" which was a really well done movie.

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